Friday, January 13, 2012
Friday Fill-Ins: Friday the 13th
1. When I looked out the window this morning I was bummed out to find that MN has finally figured out that it's winter-time and gotten cold.
2. Quantum physics doesn't (don't) make sense to me.
3. Remind me why I decided to post everyday, again?
4. Making and/or creating stuff is something I love to do!
5. TP is (are) the initials of Jason Mraz's fiance, Tristan Prettman.
6. I cleaned the refrigerator recently and I found an empty juice pitcher.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a movie with my bella figlia, tomorrow my plans include getting my $h!* together and Sunday, I want to prepare well for the coming school week and talk to my kids about Dr. MLK Jr., and the importance of what he did!
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